Liquids Pipeline Operations Optimization

  • Increase Volumetric Throughput
  • Decrease Operator Burden
  • Optimize Power & DRA

Optimo Group Inc. is a technical partner of Crux OCM. Both companies have extensive experience in pipeline operation, control, and simulation. Together we have developed pipeline specific advanced control applications that enhance pipeline performance. Our solutions involve pipeline modeling and simulation, advanced process control, and systematic process optimization. Our software products include the following:


  • Increase volumetric throughput
  • Simplify control room operations to increase safety
  • Standardize control room operations for optimal employee performance
  • Reduce power costs by optimizing pipeline hydraulics in real time
  • Ensure pipeline operations are accounting for multiple jurisdictions for power costs
  • Capability to prioritize the most low cost/high revenue operation
  • Reduce DRA costs by optimizing DRA injection rates in real time
  • Ensure max flow rates are achieved with minimal DRA spend
  • Works in conjuction with FLowBOT and PowerBOT to achieve optimal pipeline operation

Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss a potential application in your pipeline system: